Public APIs

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Top 26 Health APIs For Developers - Public APIs

  • - Access to the data from the CMS -
  • Coronavirus in the UK - UK Government coronavirus data, including deaths and cases by region
  • Covid-19 - Covid 19 cases, deaths and recovery per country
  • Covid-19 Datenhub - Maps, datasets, applications and more in the context of COVID-19
  • Covid-19 Government Response - Government measures tracker to fight against the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Covid-19 India - Covid 19 statistics state and district wise about cases, vaccinations, recovery within India
  • Covid-19 JHU CSSE - Open-source API for exploring Covid19 cases based on JHU CSSE
  • Covid-19 Live Data - Global and countrywise data of Covid 19 daily Summary, confirmed cases, recovered and deaths
  • Covid-19 Philippines - Unofficial Covid-19 Web API for Philippines from data collected by DOH
  • COVID-19 Tracker Canada - Details on Covid-19 cases across Canada
  • COVID-19 Tracker Sri Lanka - Provides situation of the COVID-19 patients reported in Sri Lanka
  • Covid Tracking Project - Covid-19 data for the US
  • Dataflow Kit COVID-19 - COVID-19 live statistics into sites per hour
  • FoodData Central - National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
  • - Educational content about the US Health Insurance Marketplace
  • Humanitarian Data Exchange - Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX) is open platform for sharing data across crises and organisations
  • Infermedica - NLP based symptom checker and patient triage API for health diagnosis from text
  • LAPIS - SARS-CoV-2 genomic sequences from public sources
  • Lexigram - NLP that extracts mentions of clinical concepts from text, gives access to clinical ontology
  • Makeup - Makeup Information
  • MyVaccination - Vaccination data for Malaysia
  • NPPES - National Plan & Provider Enumeration System, info on healthcare providers registered in US
  • Nutritionix - Worlds largest verified nutrition database
  • Open Data NHS Scotland - Medical reference data and statistics by Public Health Scotland
  • Open Disease - API for Current cases and more stuff about COVID-19 and Influenza
  • openFDA - Public FDA data about drugs, devices and foods


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