Public APIs

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Top 17 Environment APIs For Developers - Public APIs

  • BreezoMeter Pollen - Daily Forecast pollen conditions data for a specific location
  • Carbon Interface - API to calculate carbon (C02) emissions estimates for common C02 emitting activities
  • Climatiq - Calculate the environmental footprint created by a broad range of emission-generating activities
  • Cloverly - API calculates the impact of common carbon-intensive activities in real time
  • Danish data service Energi - Open energy data from Energinet to society
  • GrünstromIndex - Green Power Index for Germany (Grünstromindex/GSI)
  • IQAir - Air quality and weather data
  • Luchtmeetnet - Predicted and actual air quality components for The Netherlands (RIVM)
  • National Grid ESO - Open data from Great Britain’s Electricity System Operator
  • OpenAQ - Open air quality data
  • PM2.5 Open Data Portal - Open low-cost PM2.5 sensor data
  • PVWatts - Energy production photovoltaic (PV) energy systems
  • Srp Energy - Hourly usage energy report for Srp customers
  • Thames Water Open Data - Open Data from the UK's largest water and wastewater services company
  • UK Carbon Intensity - The Official Carbon Intensity API for Great Britain developed by National Grid
  • WattBuy - Electricity usage estimations, carbon footprint estimations, and utility data
  • Website Carbon - API to estimate the carbon footprint of loading web pages


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