Top 130 Development APIs For Developers - Public APIs
- 24 Pull Requests - Project to promote open source collaboration during December
- Abacus - Free and simple counting service. You can use it to track page hits and specific events
- Abstract Screenshot - Take programmatic screenshots of web pages from any website
- - Estimates the age from a first name
- API Grátis - Multiples services and public APIs
- ApicAgent - Extract device details from user-agent string
- ApiFlash - Chrome based screenshot API for developers
- - Wikipedia for Web APIs, OpenAPI/Swagger specs for public APIs
- ApyHub - 110+ APIs to add to your next software application
- Azure DevOps - The Azure DevOps basic components of a REST API request/response pair
- Beeceptor - Build a mock Rest API endpoint in seconds
- Bitbucket - Bitbucket API
- Blitapp - Schedule screenshots of web pages and sync them to your cloud
- Blynk-Cloud - Control IoT Devices from Blynk IoT Cloud
- - Make A Free A.I Brain
- Brave Search API - An index of billions of pages in a single call
- BrowserCat - Headless browser API for automation, scraping, and more
- Browshot - Easily make screenshots of web pages in any screen size, as any device
- CDNJS - Library info on CDNJS
- Ciprand - Secure random string generator
- Cloudflare Trace - Get IP Address, Timestamp, User Agent, Country Code, IATA, HTTP Version, TLS/SSL Version & More
- Codex - Online Compiler for Various Languages
- Contentful Images - Used to retrieve and apply transformations to images
- CORS Proxy - Get around the dreaded CORS error by using this proxy as a middle man
- Databricks - Service to manage your databricks account,clusters, notebooks, jobs and workspaces
- DigitalOcean Status - Status of all DigitalOcean services
- Docker Hub - Interact with Docker Hub
- DomainDb Info - Domain name search to find all domains containing particular words/phrases/etc
- ExtendsClass JSON Storage - A simple JSON store API
- Gcore CDN - Make your app fast and responsive for a global audience with Gcore CDN.
- Gcore Cloud - Scalable, secure, and reliable hybrid cloud services anywhere in the world.
- Gcore DNS - Fast and resilient DNS hosting service by Gcore. Improve the performance and availability of your online business.
- - Estimates a gender from a first name
- Generate Full Webpage Screenshot - Dynamically capture full page screenshots of websites.
- GETPing - Trigger an email notification with a simple GET request
- Ghost - Get Published content into your Website, App or other embedded media
- GitHub - Make use of GitHub repositories, code and user info programmatically
- Gitlab - Automate GitLab interaction programmatically
- Glitterly - Image generation API
- Google Docs - API to read, write, and format Google Docs documents
- Google Firebase - Google's mobile application development platform that helps build, improve, and grow app
- Google Fonts - Metadata for all families served by Google Fonts
- Google Keep - API to read, write, and format Google Keep notes
- Google Sheets - API to read, write, and format Google Sheets data
- Google Slides - API to read, write, and format Google Slides presentations
- Gorest - Online REST API for Testing and Prototyping
- Hasura - GraphQL and REST API Engine with built in Authorization
- Heroku - REST API to programmatically create apps, provision add-ons and perform other task on Heroku
- Hoppscotch - A lightweight, fast, and customizable app for testing and designing APIs. A free, fast, and beautiful
- - Domains Data API for Developers
- HTTP2.Pro - Test endpoints for client and server HTTP/2 protocol support
- Httpbin - A Simple HTTP Request & Response Service
- HTTPie - a free command-line HTTP client for the API era
- httpSMS - Use your Android phone as an SMS gateway to send and receive SMS messages via a simple HTTP API
- Hunter - API for domain search, professional email finder, author finder and email verifier
- IBM Text to Speech - Convert text to speech
- Image-Charts - Generate charts, QR codes and graph images
- - Retrieve structured data from a website or RSS feed
- Insomnia - A free API client that allows you to design, debug, test, and mock APIs locally, on Git, or cloud.
- IP2WHOIS Information Lookup - WHOIS domain name lookup
- - Geographic location of an IP address or any domain name along with some other useful information
- IPify - A simple IP Address API
- IPinfo - Another simple IP Address API
- IPQuery - A free IP Geolocation and proxy/tor/VPN detection API
- jsDelivr - Package info and download stats on jsDelivr CDN
- JSON 2 JSONP - Convert JSON to JSONP (on-the-fly) for easy cross-domain data requests using client-side JavaScript
- - Free JSON storage service. Ideal for small scale Web apps, Websites and Mobile apps
- - Hassle-free JSON hosting. Convert your JSON file to an API in minutes at no cost.
- Kroki - Creates diagrams from textual descriptions
- License-API - Unofficial REST API for
- Lua Decompiler - Online Lua 5.1 Decompiler
- MAC address vendor lookup - Retrieve vendor details and other information regarding a given MAC address or an OUI
- MicroENV - Fake Rest API for developers
- Mocky - Mock user defined test JSON for REST API endpoints
- MY IP - Get IP address information
- MySQL Visual EXPLAIN - Transform MySQL EXPLAIN output to interactive graphs
- - Estimate the nationality of a first name
- Netlify - Netlify is a hosting service for the programmable web
- NetworkCalc - Network calculators, including subnets, DNS, binary, and security tools
- npm Registry - Query information about your favorite Node.js libraries programmatically
- OneSignal - Self-serve customer engagement solution for Push Notifications, Email, SMS & In-App
- Open Page Rank - API for calculating and comparing metrics of different websites using Page Rank algorithm
- OpenAPIHub - The All-in-one API Platform
- PipeDream - Pipedream is the fastest way to build powerful applications that connect all the services in your stack
- Postman - Tool for testing APIs
- Proxmox VE API - API of self-hosted Proxmox VE. Address: https://your.server:8006/api2/json/ (configuring in installation process)
- ProxyCrawl - Scraping and crawling anticaptcha service
- ProxyKingdom - Rotating Proxy API that produces a working proxy on every request
- Pusher Beams - Push notifications for Android & iOS
- Pusher Channels - Realtime features
- QR code - Create an easy to read QR code and URL shortener
- QR code - Generate and decode / read QR code graphics
- QR code Generator - Static and Dynamic QR code generator with custom and unique QR code design
- Qrcode Monkey - Integrate custom and unique looking QR codes into your system or workflow
- QuickChart - Generate chart and graph images
- Random Stuff - Can be used to get AI Response, jokes, memes, and much more at lightning-fast speed
- Rejax - Reverse AJAX service to notify clients
- ReqRes - A hosted REST-API ready to respond to your AJAX requests
- RSS to JSON - Returns RSS feed in JSON format using feed URL
- ScrapeNinja - Scraping API with Chrome fingerprint and residential proxies
- ScraperApi - Easily build scalable web scrapers
- scraperBox - Undetectable web scraping API
- Scrapfly - Scrapfly is an enterprise-grade solution providing Web Scraping API that aims to simplify the scraping process by managing everything: real browser rendering, rotating proxies, and fingerprints (TLS, HTTP, browser) to bypass all major anti-bots.
- ScrapingAnt - Headless Chrome scraping with a simple API
- ScrapingDog - Proxy API for Web scraping
- - Create pixel-perfect website screenshots
- Screenshotbase - Screenshot API, 1000 free requests per month
- - Convert URLs, HTML, or Markdown into PNG, JPEG, WebP, or PDF with a simple screenshot API
- SearchApi - Real-Time Google SERP API
- SEO Tags Generator API - The Generate SEO Tags API generates all the most important META tags based on any content
- Serialif Color - Color conversion, complementary, grayscale and contrasted text
- SERP Rank Checker - Check realtime Google SERP Rank of any keywords.
- SerpApi - Scrape Google and other search engines
- Shadify - Service for generating data and executing logic to create various games and puzzles
- Sheet2API - Easy Google Sheets and Excel Online API
- Sheetsu - Easy google sheets integration
- Sonar - Project Sonar DNS Enumeration API
- SonarQube - SonarQube REST APIs to detect bugs, code smells & security vulnerabilities
- StackExchange - Q&A forum for developers
- Statically - A free CDN for developers
- Supportivekoala - Autogenerate images with template
- Svix - Webhooks as a Service
- Tolgee - Open-source localization (i18n) platform enabling you to translate you app fast
- Tyk - Api and service management platform
- Wandbox - Code compiler supporting 35+ languages mentioned at
- WebScraping.AI - Web Scraping API with built-in proxies and JS rendering
- YADG - An API that scrapes music release data and renders it using different templates
- ZenRows - Web Scraping API that bypasses anti-bot solutions while offering JS rendering, and rotating proxies
- Zuplo - API platform for Development, Deployment, and Docs - add auth, rate-limiting, and monetization fast
DevelopmentReal-Time Google SERP API.
DevelopmentScrapfly is an enterprise-grade solution providing Web Scraping API that aims to simplify the scraping process by managing everything: real browser rendering, rotating proxies, and fingerprints (TLS, HTTP, browser) to bypass all major anti-bots.
DevelopmentA free IP Geolocation and proxy/tor/VPN detection API.
DevelopmentAPI of self-hosted Proxmox VE. Address: https://your.server:8006/api2/json/ (configuring in installation process).
DevelopmentFree and simple counting service. You can use it to track page hits and specific events.
DevelopmentEasy Google Sheets and Excel Online API.
DevelopmentTransform MySQL EXPLAIN output to interactive graphs.
No authCORSHTTPSSEO Tags Generator API
DevelopmentThe Generate SEO Tags API generates all the most important META tags based on any content.
DevelopmentAPI platform for Development, Deployment, and Docs - add auth, rate-limiting, and monetization fast.
DevelopmentUse your Android phone as an SMS gateway to send and receive SMS messages via a simple HTTP API.
DevelopmentSelf-serve customer engagement solution for Push Notifications, Email, SMS & In-App.
DevelopmentPipedream is the fastest way to build powerful applications that connect all the services in your stack.
DevelopmentA free API client that allows you to design, debug, test, and mock APIs locally, on Git, or cloud.
DevelopmentA free command-line HTTP client for the API era.
No authCORSHTTPSHoppscotch
DevelopmentA lightweight, fast, and customizable app for testing and designing APIs. A free, fast, and beautiful.
No authCORSHTTPSBrave Search API
DevelopmentAn index of billions of pages in a single call.
Development110+ APIs to add to your next software application.
DevelopmentCheck realtime Google SERP Rank of any keywords.
API keyCORSHTTPSGenerate Full Webpage Screenshot
DevelopmentDynamically capture full page screenshots of websites.
DevelopmentScrape Google and other search engines.
DevelopmentHeadless browser API for automation, scraping, and more.