Top 18 Calendar APIs For Developers - Public APIs
- Abstract Public Holidays - Data on national, regional, and religious holidays via API
- Calendarific - Worldwide Holidays
- Church Calendar - Catholic liturgical calendar
- Czech Namedays Calendar - Lookup for a name and returns nameday date
- DigiDates - Various date and time calculations
- Festivo Public Holidays - Fastest and most advanced public holiday and observance service on the market
- Generate iCAL - Generates iCal calendar events that can be used across calendar applications
- Google Calendar - Display, create and modify Google calendar events
- Hebrew Calendar - Convert between Gregorian and Hebrew, fetch Shabbat and Holiday times, etc
- Holidays - Historical data regarding holidays
- LectServe - Protestant liturgical calendar
- Nager.Date - Public holidays for more than 90 countries
- Namedays Calendar - Provides namedays for multiple countries
- Non-Working Days - Database of ICS files for non working days
- Non-Working Days - Simple REST API for checking working, non-working or short days for Russia, CIS, USA and other
- OpenHolidays API - Public and school holidays for many countries via an open REST API
- Russian Calendar - Check if a date is a Russian holiday or not
- UK Bank Holidays - Bank holidays in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland
Generate iCAL
CalendarGenerates iCal calendar events that can be used across calendar applications.
CalendarPublic and school holidays for many countries via an open REST API.
No authCORSHTTPSDigiDates
CalendarVarious date and time calculations.
No authCORSHTTPSUK Bank Holidays
CalendarBank holidays in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
No authCORSHTTPSRussian Calendar
CalendarCheck if a date is a Russian holiday or not.
No authCORSHTTPSNon-Working Days
CalendarDatabase of ICS files for non working days.
No authCORSHTTPSNon-Working Days
CalendarSimple REST API for checking working, non-working or short days for Russia, CIS, USA and other.
No authCORSHTTPSNamedays Calendar
CalendarProvides namedays for multiple countries.
No authCORSHTTPSNager.Date
CalendarPublic holidays for more than 90 countries.
No authCORSHTTPSLectServe
CalendarProtestant liturgical calendar.
No authCORSHTTPSHolidays
CalendarHistorical data regarding holidays.
API keyCORSHTTPSHebrew Calendar
CalendarConvert between Gregorian and Hebrew, fetch Shabbat and Holiday times, etc.
No authCORSHTTPSGoogle Calendar
CalendarDisplay, create and modify Google calendar events.
OAuthCORSHTTPSFestivo Public Holidays
CalendarFastest and most advanced public holiday and observance service on the market.
API keyCORSHTTPSCzech Namedays Calendar
CalendarLookup for a name and returns nameday date.
No authCORSHTTPSChurch Calendar
CalendarCatholic liturgical calendar.
No authCORSHTTPSCalendarific
CalendarWorldwide Holidays.
API keyCORSHTTPSAbstract Public Holidays
CalendarData on national, regional, and religious holidays via API.