Public APIs

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Top 23 Animals APIs For Developers - Public APIs

  • AdoptAPet - Resource to help get pets adopted
  • Cat Facts - Daily cat facts
  • Cataas - Cat as a service (cats pictures and gifs)
  • Cats - Pictures of cats from Tumblr
  • Dog Pics - Pictures of dogs based on the Stanford Dogs Dataset
  • Dogs - Random facts and breed information about dogs
  • eBird - Retrieve recent or notable birding observations within a region
  • Foxes - Random fox images with multiple different tags
  • HTTP Cat - Cat for every HTTP Status
  • HTTP Dog - Dogs for every HTTP response status code
  • HTTP Status Dogs - Dogs for every HTTP response status code
  • IUCN - IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
  • MeowFacts - Get random cat facts
  • Movebank - Movement and Migration data of animals
  • Petfinder - Petfinder is dedicated to helping pets find homes, another resource to get pets adopted
  • PlaceBear - Placeholder bear pictures
  • PlaceDog - Placeholder Dog pictures
  • RandomDog - Random pictures of dogs
  • RandomDuck - Random pictures of ducks
  • RandomFox - Random pictures of foxes
  • RescueGroups - Adoption
  • The Dog - A public service all about Dogs, free to use when making your fancy new App, Website or Service
  • xeno-canto - Bird recordings


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