Public APIs

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Top 23 Business APIs For Developers - Public APIs

  • Apache Superset - API to manage your BI dashboards and data sources on Superset
  • ArvanCloud - Enables you to use ArvanCloud services
  • Charity Search - Non-profit charity data
  • Clearbit Logo - Search for company logos and embed them in your projects
  • - Registered Domain Names Search
  • Freelancer - Hire freelancers to get work done
  • Gmail - Flexible, RESTful access to the user's inbox
  • Google Analytics - Collect, configure and analyze your data to reach the right audience
  • Instatus - Post to and update maintenance and incidents on your status page through an HTTP REST API
  • Mailchimp - Send marketing campaigns and transactional mails
  • mailjet - Marketing email can be sent and mail templates made in MJML or HTML can be sent using API
  • markerapi - Trademark Search
  • Redash - Access your queries and dashboards on Redash
  • Smartsheet - Allows you to programmatically access and Smartsheet data and account information
  • Square - Easy way to take payments, manage refunds, and help customers checkout online
  • SwiftKanban - Kanban software, Visualize Work, Increase Organizations Lead Time, Throughput & Productivity
  • Tenders in Hungary - Get data for procurements in Hungary in JSON format
  • Tenders in Poland - Get data for procurements in Poland in JSON format
  • Tenders in Romania - Get data for procurements in Romania in JSON format
  • Tenders in Spain - Get data for procurements in Spain in JSON format
  • Tenders in Ukraine - Get data for procurements in Ukraine in JSON format
  • Tomba email finder - Email Finder for B2B sales and email marketing and email verifier
  • Trello - Boards, lists and cards to help you organize and prioritize your projects


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