Top 14 Entertainment APIs For Developers - Public APIs
- - JSON API for hand curated Chuck Norris jokes
- Corporate Buzz Words - REST API for Corporate Buzz Words
- - Get random news article featuring Elon Musk
- Fuck Off As A Service - FOAAS (Fuck Off As A Service) provides a modern, RESTful, scalable solution to the common problem of telling people to fuck off.
- Imgflip - Gets an array of popular memes
- JokeAPI - Jokes in multiple formats
- Keanu Reeves Whoa - JSON API for every "whoa" said by actor Keanu Reeves in his movies
- Meme Maker - REST API for create your own meme
- Official Joke - API for random and programming jokes
- Puns - Puns and pun based memes. REST API
- Random Dad Joke - API for largest selection of dad jokes on the internet
- Random Useless Facts - Get useless, but true facts
- Techy - JSON and Plaintext API for tech-savvy sounding phrases
- Yo Momma Jokes - REST API for Yo Momma Jokes
Keanu Reeves Whoa
EntertainmentJSON API for every "whoa" said by actor Keanu Reeves in his movies.
EntertainmentJokes in multiple formats.
No authCORSHTTPSFuck Off As A Service
EntertainmentFOAAS (Fuck Off As A Service) provides a modern, RESTful, scalable solution to the common problem of telling people to fuck off.
EntertainmentPuns and pun based memes. REST API.
No authCORSHTTPSOfficial Joke
EntertainmentAPI for random and programming jokes.
No authCORSHTTPSRandom Dad Joke
EntertainmentAPI for largest selection of dad jokes on the internet.
EntertainmentGet random news article featuring Elon Musk.
EntertainmentJSON and Plaintext API for tech-savvy sounding phrases.
No authCORSHTTPSYo Momma Jokes
EntertainmentREST API for Yo Momma Jokes.
No authCORSHTTPSRandom Useless Facts
EntertainmentGet useless, but true facts.
No authCORSHTTPSMeme Maker
EntertainmentREST API for create your own meme.
No authCORSHTTPSImgflip
EntertainmentGets an array of popular memes.
No authCORSHTTPSCorporate Buzz Words
EntertainmentREST API for Corporate Buzz Words.
EntertainmentJSON API for hand curated Chuck Norris jokes.